Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Sometimes I feel the need
to feed the other self of me.
To go out when the moon is
near- and I find that it too
flirts with the stars when it’s
all alone. Then I take the time
to find the part of me that loves to
unwind with the wind, and let
that breeze carry me as far
as my feet will take me. I distinctly
discover the dance of freedom
after dark. Find that I do it best
with my eyes closed tight.
Spinning round and round
in my on sweet delight. Don’t
need nobody when I’m in my groove,
doing my own signature move.
Still I like to mimic the moon
and its stars, and I find someone
fine to flirt and feel close behind.
Give him time I normally wouldn’t,
but this time will. Let him
falsely fill the void within me,
while I control the beat.
Allow him to be my star for tonight.
All night he is in awe of me.as I lure him in
Like the appeal of the moon.
He inhales deep the glow of my soul,
against the reflection of my curves.

Tanette 2010

1 comment:

  1. I rather howl like a wolf at the moon but that's just me...
