Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First Swim

It was you that made me fall,
off the ledge of reason…

You looked me in the eyes,
and said, The water is fine.
I became captivated by that one single line.

So I didn’t see the treacherous waves
before me.  Instead, I took your hand softly,

and emerged too deep…

That’s when I had difficulty breathing,
brutal water shoved against cheek
and you were nowhere for me to see.

I could not swim until that point,
when I realized I was in the water alone,
beating the fierce currents on my own.


See it all happened so fast,
and before it started,
I was introduced to its’ last.

I learnt to adapt quickly, as I begun to

form my hands, and glide my feet,

as the water clung against me like a sheet.

I let the waves caress the curves of me.

I pushed forth stronger until I could see…
the horizon that shined before me.
It was then I realized, with land in sight,

I had beat the worse that was coming to me,

I just needed to stand up on my own two feet.

Tanette 2010

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