I seem urged to mingle; I desire to stay close to you.
I find that your essence is the same shape of my own.
I love to linger in the part of my mind that you stay kept.
You are there; quietly tucked away from others you lay.
When we talk, I get a certain dull chill that
always strikes me sharp. I like the dullness of it though.
The way it softly penetrates through me and then out of me, right at the very moment you speak.
Though you are far-flung, I like to come close to you
with my words, and caress your cheek
with a cordial embrace. You are with her, but I know you want
me close still.
So I stay near enough to keep you hanging
in the loop of me.
Tanette 2010
It is funny how someone can still leave an impression on you years after you physically connected with them. Have you ever yearned to keep someone in your loop or even fancied with the idea of such? :-)
I like this one...