Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Words of a Woman...Words that Seek to Speak to Soul of Every Woman

Saturday, January 19, 2013


In the gut of me you linger,
though my heart has revoked
your presence.

You still sit in the pit of me
lingering free. If I could
I would regurgitate
what was left of you.

Purge up the
salted memories
you left behind.

Your filthy residue
yet resides, reminiscent
of each line, lie,
and lame cry you stashed.

Feel the late nights
And distant embraces
Bubble up then retract.

Reflex makes me cover
my mouth before
I blow. When the love
is gone
the woman

Maybe if I sit
here long enough
I can digest
the worst of you.


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